Who We Are
The CHNA is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advocate for the neighborhood, build community, and preserve the quality of life and unique character of College Hill in Providence. We seek to continually improve the quality of life in the neighborhood by solving issues effectively and constructively, working with community representatives to achieve results.
The CHNA is involved in...
Institutional development: CHNA representatives participate in the Brown University Working Group that meets quarterly to discuss institutional development, community issues and creative solutions.
Planning and Development: CHNA is one of the several stakeholders participating in the Thayer Street Planning Study that is a by-product of the approval of the 257 Thayer Street residential development.
Parking: A priority component for CHNA is the execution of proposals within the Thayer Street Planning Study proposal. In years prior, CHNA was a participating member of the Parking Task Force findings and recommendations. We have been working with Brown University and the Traffic Engineering Department of Public Works to ensure that parking and traffic problems are vastly improved on College Hill.
Graffiti: In previous years, CHNA's graffiti task force has worked with the city, a variety of area schools, groups, and individuals to provide education about graffiti prevention and removal. The task force worked directly and made strides on graffiti removal throughout College Hill. At present we are working with the Providence Police Department and neighborhood groups to continue to work on abatement.
Excessive Noise: CHNA is committed to improving the quality of life for everyone in College Hill and has been working with the City of Providence, local universities, and The Providence Noise Project to reduce excessive noise. The City of Providence has a Noise Ordinance that defines excessive noise as “noise audible to a person of reasonably sensitive hearing at a distance of two hundred (200) feet from its source.” Brown University has a Code of Student Conduct that prohibits “any disturbances that interfere with the quiet use and enjoyment of Campus or nearby properties”
If you have experienced excessive noise in your neighborhood, please click here to see our recommended procedure for reporting a noise incident.
Historic Building Advocacy: In the past, we have joined court actions to prevent the demolition of the historic downtown police and fire building. CHNA has also participated in the citywide working group for development of an updated policy for demolition of historic structures. As a result, demolition protections for some historic structures have been improved. Additional proceedings by the city on this issue are anticipated, which should result in greater demolition protections for a broader population of historic structures.
Waterfront Preservation: CHNA has assisted Fox Point Neighborhood Association and Friends of India Point Park in their efforts to save the former Shooters property on the waterfront for public use and to preserve and optimize the waterfront property.
Overnight on-street parking: CHNA has sponsored meetings on this issue as it has taken shape. For maps, details, and additional information, please visit http://www.providenceri.com/overnight-parking.
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